Tuesday, January 12, 2010



  1. Good morning Gil - Just trying out the Blogspot on my own this time. I'll post again after reviewing the case-study you've assigned us. Have a good one!

  2. I had a difficult time researching information regarding the Palladium murders in Manhattan or anything at all about the Officer John Schwartz as there were no posts on Google and I had to go through several pages in a Yahoo search to find one. Here is the link I found.


    If there is a link to a video on this site or on Blackboard - I didn't see it. I'll do more research later and post more links and comments as I find them. The information in this article has lots to go off of.

  3. Very sadly we are getting "Case Study" data out of Haiti on the terrible earthquake. The magnitude of this tragedy is horrific.

    I expect during this class that you keep up on current events. Whether it is this or the push to have a vote to legalize Marijuana in California.

    On the assignment. Tell me if you have problems viewing it. Than view it looking for the constraints that stopped the detectives from solving their problem. Please post these so we can compile a list to discuss next Tuesday. One question for you what role did the real murderer play in this process?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The website should show on Blackboard. I also added Steve's article since it reports events that happened after the video.

    Website: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20091700

  6. Does anyone have a hypothesis or direction of questioning in which they've already taken from the "Palladium" case-study? I don't know which aspect of the case Gil wants us to pursue but, it seems obvious this is a failure of the system. I myself wonder if this was an intentional cover-up to prevent Morales from winding up on the stand. Another thing that seems sure is that there was a cover up by the District Courts of the failure of the system... Go figure.

  7. Here's where the story gets good - in case you haven't looked it up yourself by now!

    Doubting Case, a Prosecutor Helped the Defense

    This page lists all the articles by NYTimes on Palladium

    This article gives the skinny!
    IN THE FACE OF EVIDENCE -- A special report.; Another Confessed in Killing, But 2 Men Remain in Prison

  8. Hey Gil.this is the real me! I made it more difficult by not reading my OWN notes I took (LOL) but I am here now. The thing i see that hendered the detectives most was whatthe judge said the DA spent more time trying to prosecute tha looking at the discrepencies

  9. Hi Gil, My name is Delma, I apologize for missing class, i have never been on campus beofre and got turned around and ended up in the Oswald Bldng rm113, I contacted a friend/classmate and got the information I missed. I look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

  10. Hello Gil,
    Just posting for the first time. I'm ready to see where this class leads!

  11. Just commenting to let you know I'm on here!

  12. Hey this is Delma, see everybody Tuesday!
