Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Serpent Handling

On your writing assignment:

Question one: How does Serpent Handling "fit" into our "Modern" American culture?

One idea to brainstorm on: We seem to protect these people and reject them at the same time. How is this done? Who else do we do this for?

Undocumented workers. The Amish. Slaves during the times of slavery. Women entering men's jobs.

What are the unspoken terms we make in these situations. Does Gender, Race, or Class figure into these terms?

Question Two: How do you incorporate this data presented to you into your viewpoint of how the world works?

Brainstorm idea: How do you validate what is true? How would knowing a friend or close relative of yours "handles Serpents" in church influence your opinion of them and your

Don't sweat this assignment. I just want to get you started writing about a case study presented to you. I expect as many questions raised in your discussions not necessarily any firm conclusions. The data is not extensive and the subject is distant to your daily life experience and concern.

Remember that when Keith and I were there we were seen as more of a possible threat than the serpents....


  1. Like I said in class I am still searching for my own answers on this, so please post any ideas you want explored during this week.

    I said I would not 'Handle Serpents", but I would do it if it was the only way to save my children's lives. This sounds unreal, but people in Haiti are making decisions about their families where the choices are just as bad.

  2. Would you elect a President who handled serpents (now or in his past? Massachusetts just elected a Senator who posed Nude for a magazine.
    If A candidate for Miss Kentucky did this would she be still in the competition? M point is social context is so important. If we were handling serpents in class would you have stayed?

  3. On question 2 you can write about how you have been socialized in your life so tah you are not ur would not "Handle Serpents".

    There are many reasons (social rules, legal rules, but more specifically he personal culture you were raised in). I told you in my life I have been raised in the "Scientific Culture" that has told me that the main function of these snakes for me is to possibly hurt me. But there are many other layers that keep me away, Being born in California is another. We do weird things in California, but I never heard of Serpent handling until I came to Kentucky.
