Wednesday, January 27, 2010



In the early twentieth century, among members of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), one of the early Pentecostal churches to emerge in the Appalachian Mountains of the American Southeast, the handling of poisonous snakes took on a new life and importance. These practices arose from a quite literal application of the "signs" of Jesus' disciples mentioned in the biblical gospel of Mark (16:17-18): "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

While Pentecostals had practiced speaking in tongues and healing—both also mentioned as gifts of the Holy Spirit in the writings of the apostle Paul—no one had paid attention to the signs in the passage in Mark until 1909. That year George W. Hensley of Tennessee captured a rattlesnake and brought it to a church service for snake handling as a test of religious faith. In 1914, Hensley was invited to an annual meeting of the Church of God, whose leader Ambrose Tomlinson gave the practice tacit approval. In 1928, the leadership of the church realized their mistake and distanced themselves from the practice, but by that time it had spread among church members throughout the Appalachian Mountains and as far south as central Florida.

Hensley, Raymond Hays, and Thomas Harden eventually founded the Dolley Pond Church of God with Signs Following, in Pine Mountain, Tennessee; it became the mother church of Southern snake handling. Pushed out of the Church of God, the "signs" people founded similar churches in a loose fellowship that became in effect a new denomination. Snake handling became clandestine after World War II, when Tennessee led other states in passing laws to forbid the practice, following the publicity given to the death of a member of the Dolly Pond church. Less known is the associated practice of drinking poison, usually a solution of strychnine, at church services, also forbidden by law.

The astonishing fact is that scores of sincere devotees of snake handling have survived the bites of deadly snakes and the effects of drinking poisons at church ceremonies. Less than 75 deaths have been recorded as of the mid-1990s. The deaths that occurred were ascribed to lack of faith. Interestingly enough, Hensley, after surviving numerous snake bites, died after being bitten during a church service in Florida in 1965. Snake handling adds a dramatic element to religious faith, and has much in common with the earlier practice of the fire ordeal in non-Christian religions.

Present-day members of the Holiness Church of God in Jesus' Name in the Southeast are more concerned about the dangers of persecution through punitive laws against snake handling than from the practice itself. They regard such laws as a breach of their freedom to exercise their religious convictions sincerely in accordance with Holy Scripture.

Estimates place the number of snake-handling church members at about 3000, living chiefly in Ohio, Indiana, and Appalachia.


Carden, Karen W., and Robert W. Pelton. The Persecuted Prophets: The Story of the Frenzied Snake Handlers. New York: A. S. Barnes; London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1976.

Covington, Dennis. Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handline and Redemption in Southern Appalachia. New York: Penguin, 1996.

Kimbrough, David L. Taking Up Serpents: Snake Handlers of Eastern Kentucky. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina, 1995.

La Barre, Weston. They Shall Take up Serpents. New York: Schocken Books, 1969.

Sewell, Dan. "Snake Handlers Put Bite into Religion." Santa Barbara News-Press (May 1,1995).

Stekert, Ellen. "The Snake Handling Sect of Harlan County, Kentucky: Its Influences on Folk Tradition." Southern Folklore Quarterly 27 (December 1963).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Serpent Handling

On your writing assignment:

Question one: How does Serpent Handling "fit" into our "Modern" American culture?

One idea to brainstorm on: We seem to protect these people and reject them at the same time. How is this done? Who else do we do this for?

Undocumented workers. The Amish. Slaves during the times of slavery. Women entering men's jobs.

What are the unspoken terms we make in these situations. Does Gender, Race, or Class figure into these terms?

Question Two: How do you incorporate this data presented to you into your viewpoint of how the world works?

Brainstorm idea: How do you validate what is true? How would knowing a friend or close relative of yours "handles Serpents" in church influence your opinion of them and your

Don't sweat this assignment. I just want to get you started writing about a case study presented to you. I expect as many questions raised in your discussions not necessarily any firm conclusions. The data is not extensive and the subject is distant to your daily life experience and concern.

Remember that when Keith and I were there we were seen as more of a possible threat than the serpents....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Slow down Steve. Don't make this case the exception. Yes, there are falsifications, but they may have been done as "business as usual. After John quit the force, none of his former co-workers would talk to him. He was the "bad guy" in the situation as the business was (is?) run.
Hey Gil! This is Jacqueline.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010