Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soc 260: CLASS TUESDAY FEB. 16th



  1. hey gil,
    didn't know where to send my blogspot email...

  2. Send all class info to Gilwillteach2@gmail.com. I will try to reply to all emails there... Gil

  3. WE have SPRING BREAK this week so I suppose th at will put a damper on our song presentation of BLUE October "HATE ME TODAY" by me,Ashley and Delma?? or are we having a special gathering? Is this the reason for the suggestion of Pizza Gil?

  4. Gil we deserve pizza after all this hard work. Enjoy your spring break.

  5. Sorry Gil, my online classes are doing Spring Break this week, I got a lil confused :) Hope you like our presentation and can feel " Blue October" :) lol Actually I think the class will be quite enlightened. I never really gave a lot of thought to the meaning of every song like I do now, Thanks for broadening my horizon.

  6. Amanda is going to remind me about bringing Pizza next time. I was unaware of this song. It is a great song on "Tough Love" and "Addiction" and then it goes further... Great choice by your group and presentation.
    Thanks for reminding me that you had the song to do. You are all so gifted in many ways. I encourage you to "take charge" in this class!
